Video is a powerful asset at any stage of your marketing cycle because it’s measurable and gives insights into your sales and marketing process. Video content generates more engagement with users because it forces the scrolling users to stop and pay an extra second of attention to the post. As video becomes more popular, 82% of all consumer internet traffic will come from video content by 2022.


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"According to surveys, including a video on your landing page can increase your conversion rate by up to 80%. We can only agree that we have seen the same power that a video can add to a marketing campaign."

- Rasmus Wilke, Head of Media Buying

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Various platforms, such as Facebook, are aiming to become video-first platforms and often prioritize video assets to align with that goal. Since Facebook’s traffic is primarily mobile, vertical video formats take up more of the screen area than horizontal videos. This allows for more visibility and better opportunity to gain a click. At Iternum Digital we are experts in mobile-first optimized videos for Facebook and other social media platforms.

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Search engines love video. A website is 53 times more likely to reach the front page of Google if it includes video. Why? Video is the no. 1 piece of content that engages site visitors, so they are more likely to stay on your site. Google reads this as a quality stamp. At the same time a video on your landing page is more likely to increase the conversion rate. This means that video is not only a great tool in your marketing strategy for social media but also for your website.

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There are a lot of advantages in including video content in your digital marketing strategy. Using video can result in a 2x increase in clicks, a 2-3x boost of CTR and an average increase of conversions by 20-30%. Video is also a great asset to your data. A high quality, powerful video will help drive qualified leads to your business. When you include videos in your marketing cycle, you will gain robust data about how your potential customers interact with your brand. This data is essential in order to execute a successful strategy.

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At Iternum Digital we have world-class award-winning creatives working in house to produce and provide our clients with the best video content in the industry. This is important as 93% of brands get a new customer because of a video on social media. We know what it takes to get through to the customers and we understand the customer journey as well as the best practices within the content itself. 85% of all video content uploaded to Facebook is watched without sound, so subtitling for Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are standard and always included.