Social media is a part of our everyday lives. This is where we keep in touch with our friends, follow people who inspire us and keep up to date with companies we like and stay loyal to. In the last couple of years the opportunities to market your business through paid ads have grown and turned social media into a perfect digital advertising platform for reaching both, new and already existing customers.


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"Creativity and results go hand in hand when it comes to social media. We give you the perfect combination."

- Katharina Rendtslev, Head of SoMe

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Facebook is a great platform for advertising, however, it is still important to remember that people are reactive when they are on this platform, which means that your ads have to be precise and graphically spot on to make people want to click on them. When creating ads for Facebook (and Instagram) you’re able to create carousel, image, video, lead generating ads and much more. Iternum Digital can help you from start to finish: with graphical work, targeting (based on such factors as age, gender, interests, location, education, etc.) and regular optimization. You are also able to use the product catalogue to target previous visitors with ads containing the exact products they have been researching.

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Owned by Facebook, Instagram is the platform for more visuals and less text. Just as on Facebook, businesses have the possibility to get their ads placed on the users’ feeds showing image or video ads for relevant target groups. Iternum Digital can help you get going on both, Facebook and Instagram, and set up the right targeting and optimization strategy. The synergy effects we see from showing ads on both, Facebook and Instagram are usually very high.

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YouTube has become immensely popular among kids, teenagers, and young adults. It is also becoming a search engine for “how to” and review videos. Having your own YouTube channel can be a great way to reach potential customers, but you also have the opportunity to advertise on YouTube. Bumper ads and view through ads are shown before other videos and it’s possibile to attach clickable CTAs that can direct people to the desired landing page – maybe your own channel or your website. Analyzing the data through YouTube Analytics is an important part of researching success on YouTube. Here, for example, you can see for how many seconds someone watches the ad before skipping it. This is where the expertise is really needed and where Iternum Digital can help you make money out of your creativity.

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Influencer Marketing is a growing discipline. Influencer Marketing is an especially significant part of Instagram, but you can also achieve great results with it on other Social Media platforms. With a strong Influencer Strategy you can strengthen your brand, increase awareness and gain more conversions. Influencer Marketing is the ideal route to believable and personal marketing for many brands. Do you want Influencer Marketing to be a part of your social media strategy? We can help you put together the right strategy that fits both, your audience and business model, so you get the maximal outcome.

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Pinterest is a media platform for gathering inspiration and getting the user’s curiosity growing. Pinterest is all about having an organic feed filled with relevant and interesting boards your audience feels inspired to follow. A post on Pinterest can go on a long organic journey if the post is using intelligent SEO and good visual expression that make the user want to explore. On Pinterest it’s possible to work with Branding and Awareness, as well as sales. No matter the purpose of your presence on Pinterest, we recommend you combine your organic flow with ads and dynamic shopping retargeting, which will boost your performance.

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If B2B is a part of your business, then LinkedIn is the media platform you should be present on. This is where your customers are! LinkedIn is a professional social media that focuses on B2B. Here, just like on Facebook, you can segment your audiences. LinkedIn has different target categories, such as education, business, job title, skills, interests, income, industry, and more. It is also possible to create lead-, conversion-, text-, e-mail-, and video campaigns, and thus reach the goal of the ad. Other than that it’s a media platform where it’s important to maintain your “connections”, which is also why you need to take care of your organic feed in order to keep your audience interested.