Search Engine Optimization has become one of the most important digital marketing disciplines over the last years. As ads take up even more space of Googles first page, getting those ranks high on your most important search terms is more important than ever.


Let Us Take Care of You

"We work hard to improve organic visibility and rankings for the keywords that are the most valuable to our clients."

- Lars Thrane, Head of SEO

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How do you rank high in the organic results? Googla has a complicated and ever-changing algorithm but some of the most important factors are within your actual website pages. The page content, page titles, meta descriptions, H1 tags, etc. are all there to tell Google what the page is about and they need to be optimized in the right way for the keywords you wish to rank for. You also have to make sure you don’t have the same content on several pages (duplicate content). Usability is also an important factor – is the sitre engaging and easy to use? When a site is easy to use, the users tend to stay longer which leads to a lower bounce rate. This, in turn, creates a positive impact on the SEO performance.

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There’s not only internal factors that matters but also external. Here’s where link building comes in, and where you need to start gathering links to your site from others. Articles, blogs and popular websites are great mediators of high SEO value. Social media also matters – mentions and traffic coming from e.g. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook will improve your overall performance.

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Technical SEO is closely connected to the On Page SEO. We analyze a long line of such qualities as page speed and mobile friendliness. These factors all have an impact on how high you will be able to rank your website and, therefore, needs regular work. Going forward, Google is implementing their Mobile First algorithm, where your mobile site will be the one analyzed and rated. This means more effort should go into having the best mobile site version possible.

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Appearing high in the organic (non-paid) part of Google requires technical skills and hard work. A process that uses best practice and profound know-how regarding SEO is essential.
To prove that we can create results for you, we conduct a thorough analysis of your current SEO performance. The analysis gives suggestions on what can be done to improve your performance going forward.
If you are interested in getting an SEO analysis of your website, please fill in the form below and we will contact you for a non-binding talk.


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Using Local SEO we help your store become even more visible among the search results. If you have a local store we would recommend you create a Google My Business account. This is a requirement for Google Plus Local to show your location, phone number, opening hours, etc. It is important that you use the same location data on all your digital channels, so that when Google analyzes this information it’s coherent. That way you have a better chance of showing up in local search results.