Digital & Creative Agency Iternum Digital Mon, 22 May 2023 13:08:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital & Creative Agency 32 32 Iternum Digital becomes a Google Premier Partner again Thu, 23 Feb 2023 15:40:18 +0000 Iternum Digital becomes a Google Premier Partner again Read More »


Iternum Digital can once again call itself a Google Premium Partner and boast of being among the top 3% in Denmark.

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Iternum Digital has once again been recognized as a Google Premier Partner, which also means that we are again this year among the top 3% best Google agencies in Denmark.

But at Iternum Digital, we take digital marketing a step further and look at data across the entire martech stack (Google, Meta, E-Mail, SEO, etc.).

While we are actually happy about the appointment and the opportunities that come with the badge, we also know that this recognition alone does not make us better consultants for our clients.

Bjørn Herbst, managing director at Iternum Digital, states:

Yes, we are Google Premier Partner again, but… are you now also among the best, just because Google gives us a top mackerel on the shoulder. No, you are not! Digital Marketing is about the company’s business model and the company’s goals, between which lies e.g. Google Ads, which must be optimized from the business model towards the business goal. At Iternum Digital, it is not important that our customers spend a lot of money on Google Ads, but rather that they achieve their business goals. And based on this, we look at this Google badge with completely different lenses.”

Nevertheless, the award is a great gift to our skilled Google Ads specialist, who every day does a great job to give our customers the best results on Google Ads from the customers’ perspective.

But at Iternum Digital, we are not only Google Ads experts, and we do not believe that the best results can only be obtained by looking at Google Ads data. That is why we are proud that, in addition to our Google Premier Partner status, we can also call ourselves partners on a large number of other digital marketing platforms. Including TikTok, Pinterest, Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Microsoft Advertising and not least Meta, where we have also achieved the highest level of partnership.

This enables us to help our clients with their entire digital marketing strategy and offer them the best conditions to perform across all their digital channels.

What does it mean to be a Google Premier Partner?

Only the top 3% of Google’s partners in each country are offered the prestigious Premier Partner status. Last year, this applied to a total of 25 agencies in Denmark.

The top 3% best Google Ads agencies are evaluated based on the agencies’ ability to create explosive growth for their existing as well as new clients. In addition, the agencies are assessed on their ability to retain clients and create long-term relationships. And finally, the agencies’ ability to adopt new technologies within Google Ads and excel across Google’s entire product range, including e.g. YouTube, Display and Video 360.

Thus, the Google Premier Parter badge is not least proof of our great expertise in the field, but also a pat on the back for our good and close cooperation with all our customers. We are of course proud of that.

In addition to the recognition, the appointment as a Google Premier Partner gives us access to a number of benefits that can help us create even more growth and success for our customers. This includes access to the latest beta versions of products, the latest new insights, campaign offers and rewards as well as invitation-based industry events. All advantages that we are happy that our customers can continue to benefit from.

In addition to the recognition, the appointment as a Google Premier Partner gives us access to a number of benefits that can help us create even more growth and success for our customers. This includes access to the latest beta versions of products, the latest new insights, campaign offers and rewards as well as invitation-based industry events. All advantages that we are happy that our customers can continue to benefit from.



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New Head of SEO at Iternum Digital Wed, 01 Feb 2023 15:44:36 +0000 New Head of SEO at Iternum Digital Read More »


Lars Thrane is the new Head of SEO at Iternum Digital.

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On 2 January, we were able to welcome Lars Thrane, who at the turn of the year has started as the new Head of SEO in the office. In the future, Lars will help develop our SEO department and, of course, help our customers climb to the top of the organic rankings in Google.

Lars comes with extensive SEO experience in his baggage and also has extensive experience in guiding and advising clients on SEO after several years as an SEO consultant within the agency industry.

We are therefore incredibly happy to have had Lars join the team.



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New partner at Iternum Digital Fri, 20 Jan 2023 15:46:05 +0000 New partner at Iternum Digital Read More »


Katharina Herforth Rendtslev is a new partner at Iternum Digital.

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After a year as an Associate Partner, Katharina Herforth Rendtslev joined Iternum Digital as a Partner at the turn of the year. Katharina thus becomes part of the existing circle of partners, which consists of CEO, Bjørn Herbst, Head of PPC, Claes Jensen and Head of Media Buying, Rasmus Wilke.

Katharina has been part of Iternum Digital since 2020, where as Head of Social Media she has developed and grown the agency’s Social Media department in terms of both the number of customers, employees and services as well as the team’s total revenue.

CEO, Bjørn Herbst, is therefore pleased to be able to welcome Katharina to the partner circle:

It was clear from the start, when Katharina started with us, that she had the ambition to be one of the leading forces in the company. She quickly demonstrated that she could understand our clients’ business model and at the same time execute and lead projects with great success. Her work as Head of Social Media and Associate Partner has helped move Iternum Digital to a new level. We in the partner circle are looking forward to working even more closely with Katharina, and we are very happy that she will be part of the partner circle,” says Bjørn Herbst.

Katharina is also looking forward to stepping into her new role at Iternum Digital:

I am incredibly honored and proud to join the partner group at Iternum, and I am very much looking forward to helping to influence the future direction, growth and strengthening Iternum’s visibility in the industry. And it is a privilege to work with such exciting companies and projects together with some of the industry’s most talented consultants. We have come a long way in recent years and our level of ambition has only increased!”, says Katharina Herforth Rendtslev.

Before Katharina Herforth Rendtslev joined Iternum Digital, she worked for several years with digital marketing and in particular social media at, among others, the renowned architectural firm 3XN and the furniture group ILVA.



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SKAdNetwork – The New Revolution in App Download Measurement on iOS Tue, 10 Jan 2023 12:40:46 +0000 SKAdNetwork – The New Revolution in App Download Measurement on iOS Read More »


The latest update of SKAdNetwork 4.0 is a solution for businesses and advertisers following iOS 14’s privacy update.

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With iOS 14, Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) feature allows users to choose whether they want apps on their devices to track their data or not. This has significant implications for businesses that have previously been accustomed to collecting large amounts of data about their users to target advertising and personalize content. To address this, Apple has introduced their mobile advertising network – SKAdNetwork, which is a way to measure conversions without sharing personal data with advertisers.

What does the latest update of SKAdNetwork mean?

The latest update of SKAdNetwork brings several new features and improvements to the user experience and also allows advertisers to access more detailed information about conversions in their ads, such as:

  • Private and secure measurement: SKAdNetwork allows app developers to measure conversions without having to share personal data with advertisers. It gives users more control over their privacy, and it gives advertisers a way to measure the effectiveness of their advertising while complying with Apple’s privacy policies.
  • Postback method: The latest update of SKAdNetwork allows advertisers to access more detailed information about conversions in their ads. This is done through the postback method, which sends a message back to the advertiser after a conversion occurs in real-time. It gives advertisers more details about the conversion, such as which specific campaign or ad led to the conversion, and in this way, advertisers can better optimize their campaigns.
  • Multiple conversion events: SKAdNetwork 4.0 also allows measuring multiple different conversion events in an app, such as subscriptions, in-app purchases, etc.
  • Platform-independent: SKAdNetwork is not limited to being available to advertisers on only one platform. Facebook has implemented this system on their platform, and other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat have followed suit, so advertisers can continue to deliver relevant and targeted advertising on the platforms.
  • Hierarchical conversion value: Hierarchical conversion value also gives advertisers a better understanding of which ads lead to conversions (such as purchases or sign-ups) and which do not. Hierarchical conversion value works by assigning a value to each conversion and then organizing them in a hierarchical order based on their value. In this way, advertisers can focus their advertising efforts on the ads that provide the highest conversion value.
  • Web-to-app: Although SKAdNetwork is primarily focused on app installation conversions, advertisers can still measure and optimize their web-to-app campaigns with this update. One option is to use App’s universal links and App links, which allow advertisers to track a user from their websites to their app and then measure conversion events in the app. Advertisers can implement these links on their websites and in their ads so that when a user clicks on them, they will be taken to the app if it is installed on their device, otherwise they will be directed to the App Store or Google Play.

Overall, SKAdNetwork 4.0 provides a more private and secure way to measure advertising, while also giving advertisers more opportunities to measure the effectiveness of their advertising and optimize their campaigns.

When was SKAdNetwork created?

SKAdNetwork was announced by Apple in 2018 and was launched in 2019 with iOS 13. It is designed to allow advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their ads on iOS devices in a more private and secure way by avoiding sharing personal data with advertisers.

What is SKAdNetwork?

SKAdNetwork is a system developed by Apple to allow advertisers to measure the impact of their ads on iOS devices without sharing personal data with advertisers. It provides advertisers with a more private and secure way to measure ad conversions. When a user views an ad and then installs the app or performs a conversion, the app sends a unique conversion ID back to the advertiser’s server, allowing the advertiser to measure the conversion rate for the ad. The advertiser receives only aggregated data about the conversion rate and not specific data about individual users or their actions in the app.

How does SKAdnetwork work?

SKAdnetwork works by allowing advertisers to receive a unique “conversion ID” from an app when a user installs or converts after seeing an ad. This ID is then sent back to the advertiser’s server, where it can be used to measure the conversion rate of the ad.

An example of using SKAdnetwork could be an app developer who wants to advertise their app in the App Store. The app developer can implement SKAdnetwork in their app, so when a user sees the ad and then installs the app, the app will send a unique conversion ID back to the advertiser’s server. The app developer can then use this ID to measure the conversion rate of the ad and learn how many users have converted after seeing the ad.

Advertisers can also receive aggregated data about the conversion rate for a range of ads, such as the number of conversions or conversion rate for a specific period, but they do not receive specific data about individual users or their actions in the app.

How do you implement SKAdnetwork?

Implementing SKAdnetwork requires both server configuration and integration in the app.
To implement SKAdnetwork, the following steps must be followed:

  1. Sign up as a developer in App Store Connect.
  2. Create an advertiser account in App Store Connect.
  3. Configure your app in App Store Connect to enable SKAdnetwork.
  4. Integrate SKAdnetwork in your app by including the SKAdNetwork library in your project and configuring it in your app code.
  5. Send conversion data back to the advertiser’s server using SKAdNetwork APIs.
  6. Receive and process conversion data on the advertiser’s server.
  7. It is important to note that implementing SKAdnetwork requires some technical knowledge and experience with iOS development, and it may be necessary to seek help from an experienced iOS developer to implement it correctly. If you need help setting up SKAdnetwork, we can assist you.

It is also important to adhere to Apple’s policies and guidelines for the use of SKAdnetwork. Therefore, it is a good idea to research and understand the relevant policies and guidelines before starting to implement SKAdnetwork.

What if you don't use SKAdnetwork?

If you don’t use SKAdnetwork, it is still possible to measure conversions on your app on iOS devices, but you will not have access to the same protection measures and limitations on data sharing that SKAdnetwork offers.

Without SKAdnetwork, advertisers can receive more detailed data about conversions, such as information about individual users and their actions in the app. However, this can also lead to a greater privacy issue for users, as advertisers will have access to personal data about them.

It may also be more difficult for advertisers to measure conversions accurately, as they do not have access to the unique conversion ID that SKAdnetwork provides.

So, compared to SKAdnetwork, you can measure conversions in a less private and secure way, and you may have difficulty measuring them accurately.

Do you ned help with tracking and measuring your digital efforts? Please feel free to have a chat with us so we can discuss how you can best track your campaigns.


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Iternum Digital is Børsens Gazelle 2022 Thu, 08 Dec 2022 09:12:50 +0000 Iternum Digital is Børsens Gazelle 2022 Read More »


Iternum Digital has been awarded Børsen Gazelle 2022. But actually we have not just recieved one, but two of the fine statues this year.

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By the end of November we were able to welcome the two beautiful antilopes at the office.

The reason for this is, that Iternum Digital has also been awarded to Børsen Gazelle 2022.

And atually we were supposed to also recieve a Gazelle award last year in 2021, but an error in Børsens system resulted in, that we could not be found on the list.

Thankfully Børsen corrected this error, which is the reason why two beautiful trophies came jumping into the office this year.

We are incredibly proud and happy to be award Børsen Gazelle for two consecutive years – a great honor, which ultimately accrues our many talented employees, who everyday provide a great piece of work to get our customers to excel in their digital marketing platforms.



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Brøndby Esport enters a collaboration with Iternum Digital Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:14:00 +0000 Brøndby Esport enters a collaboration with Iternum Digital Read More »


We are proud to announce, that we have entered an exciting collaboration with Brøndby Esport.

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Esport is the worlds fastest growing sport and has in recent years undergone a remarkable and interesting development – for both investors and gamers on a professional and wider level.

The seventhdouble Champions club, Brøndy IF, has of course also joined in on the Esport wave with the team Brøndby Esport, which is a strong team on the danish and international esports-scene.

We are delighted to announce, that we have entered an exciting collaboration with Brøndby Esport, which will make them just as sharp on the digital front.

We are looking forward to help Brøndby Esport to have an even stronger presence on social media, gain a greater understanding of their own collected data and how it should be used to grow Brøndby Esport on a commercial level.

At Brøndby Esport they are also looking forward to the collaboration. Jesper Larsen, Head of Esport, says:

– With new collaboration with Iternum Digital, we get a partner who can makes us stronger on the digital front, and at the same time help us to better understand our different platforms on social media. At Brøndby Esport we have a great focus on digital partner activasion, since it is often here, that partners find value. This will also be an area we together with Iternum will work even more with. We are looking forward to the collaboration.

Do you also want to become stronger on the digital front? Call us and let's have a talk about how we can help you.


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Iternum Digital is moving into bigger facilities Fri, 01 Apr 2022 13:20:47 +0000 Iternum Digital is moving into bigger facilities Read More »


Come by and have a look inside our 349 m2 office at Falkoner Allé

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After a few good years on the 3rd floor at Sylvester Hvid & Co., we felt the need to relocate due to that the premises were too small for our growth.

On the basis of that, we have now switched the old office out at Fasanvej, for the nice and spacious premises at Falkoner Alle 20.

When we first relocated to Fasanvej, Iternum Digital consisted of 7 employees distributed on 2 areas of business. Today we have increased the staff by +25 employees and just as steep a growth on the areas of business.

For a long time we felt that there wasen’t enough space to contain our growth, which is why we are delighted to get a few more square metres at the office.

Which we have gotten. Actually – double up. Where the old office measured 169 m2, we now have a total of 349 m2 available space. In addition to that – a fantastic location at the heart of Frederiksberg.

We are looking forward to welcome customers and business partners at the new office.

Are you close by? Then feel free to stop by, grab a coffee and enjoy the beautiful view on our roof terrace.

Below you will get a sneak peek of our awesome new office.

Below you will see our old office.



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Google is shutting down Universal Analytics Thu, 17 Mar 2022 17:21:38 +0000
July 1st 2023, the collection of data in Universal Analytics is over – and 6 months later the data is gone!

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Yesterday Google announced that Universal Analytics (UA) will stop collecting new data from the 1 of July 2023, for standard Analytics customers, and (paid) Analytics 360 customers will have until the 1st of October 2023. So we all have 15 and 18 months to get ready for a new Analytics era…

But this doesn’t mean that you should wait 15-18 months

The data will be available for at least 6 months, but after that Google has stated that they will shut down access to Universal Analytics. So, it’s about time to make the switch and collect data as soon as possible – otherwise you will not be able to compare your data and performance to previous year.

This transition will not be as easy-peasy as when we went from Classic Analytics to Universal Analytics (where Google actually went in and helped you, if you didn’t remember to update the code yourself) this transition requires a bit more planning and work…

It requires you to rethink your Analytics strategy and setup

Previous updates to Google Analytics have just been updates, some of the reporting and the look has been adjusted, but the data schema has remained the same. This is not the case this time. The entire data model in GA4 is completely different from UA.
Everything in GA4 is event-based, whereas it was session-based in UA. This means that everything (and we mean everything, even pageviews) now needs to be tracked with events and parameters. So the entire tracking implementation needs to be reviewed and implemented accordingly.

The reporting is completely different

There’s a completely different UI and reporting that you need to get to know. This of course is really exciting, but will also require some time to get used to. So as soon as you have it up and running, you can compare it to UA, and get to know it with time and be completely ready when the time comes in 15-18 months.

There’s new metrics and way of thinking

This will also require time to get used to, we will for example no longer have bounce rate in GA4, but there’s new metrics such as Engaged users – which makes much more sense in regards to the new data model (even if we all will miss bounce rate, of course).

You need to build your own reports

If you enter a completely new GA4 account, you will most likely wonder where many of the reports are located, you simply can’t find them? And there are a lot fewer reports than you are used to? We can assure you that there’s nothing wrong with your account, this is due to the fact that you need to build some of the reports yourself. This will of course require some time, but it is a quite nice feature, since you are way more flexible in GA4 to build reports that fill your needs.

Breathe, don’t panic - GA4 is actually quite amazing

It will of course require some time and resources to get used to the new Analytics, but when you have, you will realize that it really is an upgrade from UA.

You need to start preparing today

A solid and good tracking implementation might take some time to prepare and implement. It might even take a couple of months. It will require a new measurement plan, and it might require adjustments in your backend and ressources needs to be set aside. That’s why we for some time, and more importantly now, are helping our customers to move their Analytics setup, and way of thinking, from UA to the new GA4.

We’re here to help you

Do you want to make sure you are not losing important data? Our skilled Web Analytics Specialists is happy to help you with preparation, implementation and guides you on how to get the most out of the new GA4.

Want to know more about the phasing out of Universal Analytics?

Then attend our webinar on April 21 at 10.00-10.45 where Lana Hamawander will guide you through the transition.

Sign up for the webinar here.

Do you want to make sure you are not losing important data? Please call, so we can have a talk about your setup.


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What are Pinterest users interested in? Fri, 18 Feb 2022 08:57:22 +0000 What are Pinterest users interested in? Read More »


Pinterest has made an analysis of what people using Pinterest in the Nordics are most interested in. And they have shared their insights with us!

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Pinterest has 459 million active users worldwide on the platform. Of these, 1.1 million of them live in Denmark. But what are the users most interested in?

Pinterest has even made an analysis of it. And we have gained some of the insight.

The analysis provides some interesting insights into the target audience on Pinterest. Maybe you also find some interesting numbers for your particular industry?

We have compiled a summary of the findings from Pinterest’s analysis below.


Number of users with an interest in beauty on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +2.6 million users
  • Denmark: +600 thousand users
  • Sweden: +1 million users
  • Norway: +500 thousand users
  • Finland: +500 thousand users


Ideas for the home
Number of users with an interest in housing on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +3.4 million users
  • Denmark: +1 million users
  • Sweden: +1 million users
  • Norway: +790 thousand users
  • Finland: +700 thousand users

Food and Drink

Number of users with an interest in food and drink on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +2.2 million users
  • Denmark: +600 thousand users
  • Sweden: +900 thousand users
  • Norway: +380 thousand users
  • Finland: +400 thousand users


Number of users with an interest in entertainment on Pinterest:

    • The Nordics: +2.2 million users
    • Denmark: +500 thousand users
    • Sweden: +850 thousand users
    • Norway: +400 thousand users
    • Finland: +470 thousand users

Entertainment gets interaction from Pinterest users from all over the world.


Number of users with an interest in travel ideas on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +700 thousand users
  • Denmark: +170 thousand users
  • Sweden: +270 thousand users
  • Norway: +140 thousand users
  • Finland: +150 thousand users

Travel content gets interaction from Pinterest users around the world.


Number of users with an interest in fashion on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +2.9 million users
  • Denmark: +790 thousand users
  • Sweden: +1 million users
  • Norway: +590 thousand users
  • Finland: +600 thousand users


Number of users with an interest in parenting on Pinterest:

  • The Nordics: +1.1 million users
  • Denmark: +300 thousand users
  • Sweden: +440 thousand users
  • Norway: +200 thousand users
  • Finland: +200 thousand users

In addition to the interests of Pinterest users, Pinterest’s analysis also provided insight into when various holidays across countries peak in searches on the media.

See the interesting findings in the graphs below.



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Google is testing a new way of showing search ads Wed, 09 Feb 2022 13:49:46 +0000 Google is testing a new way of showing search ads Read More »


Google makes a lot of money, we alle know that. And now they are testing a new way of showing their search ads, which leaves more space for the paid ads.

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By getting more and bigger ads in the search results (SERP), Google can secure themselves an even bigger turnover. This must be one of the reasons as to why Google now, is testing a new way of showing search ads.

The new ads stand out from former ads, by showing increased information under the headlines, as well as there being a big space leading to the description, and below that an underside link.

Our Head of PPC encountered the new showing by doing a casual Google search this morning.

In the picture below, you can see what the new showing looks like.

Want to get better performance on Google? Give us a call and we can talk about how we can optimize your data on Google Ads.


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