Business Intelligence is an essential part of the business for all ambitious companies. But without the right tools and solutions, it can be an unmanageable and time consuming process. We help you improve the transparency of your data across all platforms, so that everyone in your organization can understand and relate to it. Gather all your data in one place!


Let Us Take Care of You

"With our BI solution, we help our customers gain transparency in their online performance across all their channels, quickly & easily."

- LANA HAMAWANDER, Head of Analytics & CRO/UX

iternum digital


Your customers are always online, and so must your data. We connect your entire tech stack to our BI / Dashboard solution. It is challenging and difficult to get a complete overview of all of your company data when it is spread out across several different platforms. When you are analyzing your campaigns and performance and want to see the results, you must first sign in on all your different platforms and associated analysis tools. You must retrieve the key figures before you can start seeing the real picture and make decisions. With our BI solution (Iternum Business Intelligence Dashboard) we connect all your data into one place, so you easily and quickly can gain insights into your performance aross all marketing platforms and campaigns. We offer tailored solutions based on 12 years of industry knowledge that matches the KPIs you need, whenever and wherever you want.

iternum digital


Our BI solution drives growth and performance. We do not only make sure to collect all your data from various data sources in one place. It is also presented on a nice and clear dashboard with informative and easy-to-understand tables and graphs. Whether you need to monitor your SEO ranking, website performance, e-commerce revenue or SoMe and PPC campaigns, the numbers are visualized in elegant reports that make it easy to create an overview of how your various marketing activities perform. At the same time, it is easy to compare the data with the previous period or last year.

iternum digital


Do you base your decisions on gut feeling or data? If you ask us, the answer should always be data. With our BI solution, we make it easier for you to control your data and make data-driven decisions. With the help of our developed manageable reports, we ensure that you can quickly get an overview of both, positive and negative trends in your data and can translate this into useful knowledge, which enables you to take action and make business decisions based on facts rather than guesswork.

iternum digital


It is Iternum Digital’s task to pass on important information from the data you buy from Google, Facebook, Bing, etc., or the budget that you invest in SEO. We value transparency and we always aim to explain the complicated things in a simple way. That is why we always use Dashboards for reporting, so that our customers continuously can follow the performance.

iternum digital


Iternum Digital is a Premier Google Partner. That’s why we’ve developed our BI solution on the Google Data Studios platform. In Google Data Studio, we can integrate data from all platforms – always updated in real time. Of course, this includes all your digital marketing platforms, but also other data sources such as CRM and e-commerce platforms. At the same time, you are assured of Google’s authentication protocol and data security. Through Google Data Studios Dashboards and over 12 years of industry knowledge, we convert your data into visual reports that provide a quick overview of the data you need. We provide you with a user-friendly solution that is easy to use at all levels and overall saves you a lot of time and mistakes due to human errors.


Why you should get a dashboard

Choose the goal for your business model parallel with your campaigns

Investing i creative idea development and strategic advice creates better results

Optimize your customer experience (CXM – Customer eXperience Management)

Skab synergi mellem dine kampagner på tværs af de mange forskellige marketingplatforme

Effective marketing and use of data makes better performance