Bing is one of the biggest search engines in the world with 9% of the European market (3B monthly searches) and 34% of the US market (5B monthly searches). Bing Ads has similar features to Google Ads but lower click prices.


Let Us Take Care of You

"Businesses have more to gain through Bing advertising than you would think."

- Rasmus Wilke, Head of Media Buying

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As already mentioned, you can expect cheaper clicks on Bing Ads. This means that the Cost Per Click (CPC) for the same keyword on Google would usually be more expensive. At the same time, it can be seen that the conversion rate usually stays on the same level, which means that you are able to get an even better ROAS on Bing Ads.

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The Shopping section of Bing Ads where you are able to show your ads with a price and an image is currently only available in selected countries. However, if you are a business serving some parts of the European or the US market we are ready to help you get going on this platform with a suitable bidding strategy.

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Are you looking to increase brand awareness with attractive visual ads? Then Display is for you. Here your content can easily be shown across websites and online newspapers in different banner formats. With a single click you will get your target group to the desired landing page and will only pay for the clicks, not the impressions.

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As customers tend to do more and more of their research online, digital marketing is just as important for a physical store as it is for a webshop. A lot of customers start researching their purchase online and end it in store, so you wouldn’t want to lose traffic that your competitors might be overlooking. Bing Ads could be the perfect platform for that.

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We have seen especially good results for our B2B clients on Bing Ads since a lot of companies and institutions are using Windows computers where Internet Explorer with Bing as the default search engine is pre-installed. Usually, our clients get at least 5-10% of their Google Ads revenues through Bing Ads.